“Another 5 years….”


It has been another great 5 years had passed since my last post. My son, which had been 4 years and 7 months. What a blast years had passed.

We had been through a pandemic of Covid-19, and a lot had happen since then.

My life? Had been great with so much challenged either in career or personal life.

I had managed to registered and operated TWO of my own companies, which an enterprise and also a private limited (in Malaysia it is call Sendirian Berhad).

Through this wonderful experiences, these experiences had made me a lot stronger and wiser (even now still not that wise).


I am still looking and searching for my passion and what I am good at in terms of running a business. Still trying a lot of things, still learning a lot of things.

Whatever it is, I will keep on searching and trying until I had found what I am really, really good at, and do the best out of it.

I am thinking on to resume back my writing, maybe sharing what I had learnt so far. No matter will there any reader or not, just to recap what I had noted down so far for the future ahead.


Here it goes, reactivated my blog, typing with my Ipad, I am ready to start writing again.

Till then, Salam….

“The return of a …….”

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم…

اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين…

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته…

It’s been so long since my last post.. Currently counting days for my first child to be born.. Lot of things had happen, and I don’t know where to start..

Anyhow, I remember something when I was asking my wife regarding the talk she’s attended today.. the topic is about ‘Will’ or in Malay ‘Wasiat’..

But still, that’s not the topic i want to share today.. As the discussion and sharing going on with my wife, I’d come across of something.. Which related to ‘faith’..

Faith is something that developing inside our heart.. We can say that we do have faith in something, but does our heart really have that kind of faith?

It is hard to implement that kind of faith, which our heart believe in it.. To have a full confident that we are in a good ‘Hands’.. 

Doubt is something that we had been trained, which will lead to a valid reasoning based on our knowledges and experiences..

We had been trained to have a basic reasoning, cause and outcomes, which had been done and proven scientifically.. which, in directly made our thinking is more to materialize reasoning.. 

fire supposedly will burn… 

but… the fire did not burn Prophet Ibrahim AS…

We forget that what ever happen, there’s a King above all King, The One and Only Almighty, which even our heart beat, is controll and manage by Him..


Since it is already 11 pm, and my sleepiness is haunting me, I end my post with Marharban Syahr Ar Ramadhan, and Happy Fasting…


P/s: Please Pray Doa for my first born child, Muhammad Amin bin Norazmi bin Mohd Nor bin Mohd Amin, so he will be born with Iman and Taqwa.. Semoga doa neneknya kepada ayahnya yang tidak kesampaian terpindah kepada dia.. 🙂 

“This is who i am… Can you just accept it…?”

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم…

اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين…

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته…

It’s been a very long time since my last update, which the normal typical reason is ‘i’m busy with more important things in life..’ Hªhªªhªªªhªªªª 😂😂 

Many thoughts had came since then, but I just kept it to myself, without writing it at any place. Gladly, today I have time to write since my wife is spending her time with her friend, at her grandparents’s house, which I’m ‘willingly’ followed her here..

Something came slipped in my mind when i do my usual ‘human browsing’ at the mall here. I’ve noticed that some behavior, or the way people interact to others is slightly, or maybe huge different, depending on the place itself. Meaning that, how the person had become depending on how he/she was nutured during his/her upbringing. This also influenced by the place the grew up itelf.

The most obvious indicator that I’ve come to noticed is the rythm or intonation when he/she speaks. That’s why we can recognize or know where some people are from just by listening when he/she’s speaks.

But the most interesting things is how he/she reacted, or interected, in certain situations. This kind or reaction cannot be taught directly, but human being usually learnt it by ‘copy and paste’ from the person he/she look up at, i.e his/her parents.

That’s why there is and old saying ‘If you want to know a certain girl, take a look at her parents..’ Not just she inherited their physically, but also appearance, behaviour, attitude, way of thinking, and much more, which those things were ‘copied’ without she noticed it.

Some are good in other’s eyes, and some are bad, depending on how other’s interpretation.

When that sort of things are slightly or majorly different from the person they interacted with, there will be some dispute, or argument, which each of them insisting that they are right, and he/she’s wrong.

And most cliche sentence will be ‘This is who i am.. Please accepted me as the way i am..’

But then, the other person also react or thing or do the way he/she always did, and that kind of argument won’t reach its solution.

The most suitable way is to just accept the differences, and control our ego, when there are lots of differences in all of those things mentioned before, as long as it won’t harm it physically or mentally.

Sometimes, we might have the best approach es or solutions, but it does not mean that other’s approaches/solutions are wrong.

Learn to accept by controlling our ego, InsyaAllah, our life will be more at peace..


…….بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

…..الحَمْد لله ….والصلاة والسلام علي رسول الله وعلي اله وصحبه أجمعين

Living in this world, we will face many ups and down..

There won’t be the days that only be filled with happiness, and free without things that will messing up our mind, and our soul…

We will make mistakes.. Lots of it.. And we are sinners…

But then, how do we face this kind of situation?

By repentant…

we are just a creations.. Created and bounded by the devine plan of The Mighty Creator.. And He is The Most Generous and The Most Mercifull, which to Him and only Him we shall submitted..

We should repeant and believe in His Merciness.. Hope is still there, as long as we still breathing..

“When there’s rain, there shall rise the calming and soothing light from the sky afterwards…”

Just keep on praying and keep positive.. Leave the rest to His Devine Plan..



Is this LOVE??

…….بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

…..الحَمْد لله ….والصلاة والسلام علي رسول الله وعلي اله وصحبه أجمعين

It’s been a really long time since i last update my post… Many things had happen… To cut it short, a dear friend of mine introduce me to a girl… A really nice girl, with a really good background.. Great attitude, great appearance, great family, and for most, she is like an angel to me…

She’s too perfect in my eyes, in my point of view… At first, I was afraid… So afraid to get to know her.. Why? I’m still wondering why was I afraid… Maybe because of previous relationship that did not turn out so well, which made me afraid, that it will turn out the way it used to be…

Or maybe because I’m afraid of myself, that I got nothing to offered her, to ensure her happiness, her needs and so on.. Which I was always thinking of myself before this, and never think ahead.. Whatever will happen, it will be only me to bare the consequences, but if thing goes smoothly, I’m afraid that I’ll ruined her life… That’s also came out of my mind…

I’ve spent sometime to think… What or why exactly things before this always turn out wrong… Hurt? Maybe at a first, but as time goes, I’ve learnt to move on… Which was a good experienced for me… I learnt a lot from my mistakes..

Finally, I’ve come to a conclusion, where I decided to follow my brother advise, which is;

“No matter how good the girl we decided to choose, never proceed further if mama have a bad feelings about our relationship. Always believe in mama’s instinct…”

And so I did…. I shared with my mom few photos of her, and she seems to like her from the photos… That’s a good sign for me… So, with the name of Allah, I just go with the flow….

Everything went out smoothly.. She went to see my family, and I also did the same.. Well, it turn out seriously well…. Alhamdulillah…. InsyaAllah, by next year, she will be my queen….

The more I get to know her, the more I found out how deeply I love her… She’s really fill the hole inside me… The one that complete me….

But then…… Every moment, I always felt afraid… Afraid that I will guide her to the wrong path… Afraid that I might not be the best person she hoping me to be… Afraid that I will break her heart…… Every day since we knew each other, I’ll thought of that sorts of fear….

Ya Allah…. She is to good to me…. Far to good to me…. Sometimes, I felt like it is a really big mountain that I have to carry… A pure diamond that I have to take care of….. But, just hearing her voice, that weight just lifted away….

With her, I learnt how to control myself… My temper… My lust… My eagerness.. My ego……

True love is when we love someone, without hoping something in return…. No selfishness…. Just do everything or anything, to make that person happy and safe…. That’s what I keep on telling myself….

Will I capable of doing that?

Will I capable of loving her in the righteous way?

Will I be able to guide her to the heaven?

I don’t know…. But all I can do is just try my best as a ‘ikhtiar’, and leave the rest to Allah, as He is the one controlling everything…..

May Allah bless our relationship, and keep us from ashtray…..

May Allah bless our families with Taufiq and Hidayah….

May Allah ease our marriage, if we are meant to be together….


